Pastor Alonzo S. Wagner, III serves as Senior pastor of the Fresno Westside S.D.A. Church a thriving community of believers in the beautiful Central Valley of California.
The son of a pastor and teacher Pastor Wagner is a third generation minister and was educated at Hillside SDA Elementary SDA Church School founded by the late Pastor Alonzo and Mrs Catherine Wagner, II. Pastor Wagner, graduated from Larchwood SDA Academy in Phila, Pa; Pine Forge Academy, Pine Forge, PA, and Oakwood University, in Huntsville AL. He has gone on to do graduate studies at Memphis Theological Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary.
Pastor Wagner has served as a Seventh day Adventist minister and evangelist in the south, pacific northwest, and overseas. He has preached for camp-meetings, revivals, evangelistic campaigns, workshops and youth events around the world.
But his passion is three fold, God, family, and reclaiming inactive members with rejoicing as their lives are restored to wholeness in the family of God...
He is married to Mildred Michelle Wagner and they are blessed with two daughters, Lonika and Louise, three sons Alonzo Samuel, IV John Henry, IV and Vicente and 1 granddaughter Jayla Foster.

Pastor Neil A. Thomas currently serves as the Associate Pastor and Administrator of the Fresno Westside Seventh-day Adventist Church. He was born on the Caribbean island of Dominica, and is the eldest of three children. His father was a Seventh-day Adventist pastor, and his mom was a teacher. Pastor Thomas possessed advanced skills in reading and spelling at a very young age, and later developed a passion for ministry as a pre-teen through his gift of preaching, and the guidance and encouragement of his father, even holding evangelistic crusades and other speaking engagements.
The next season of life saw the development of Pastor Thomas’ gifts in music, science, teaching, and leadership. He has ministered throughout the Caribbean, the United States, and Canada as a pianist, organist, musical director, coordinator, and music teacher. Some of his musical highlights include serving as an accompanist and choral director for the renowned Pine Forge Academy Choir and an accompanist for the world-class Oakwood University Aeolians. Pastor Thomas has also been an educator on the elementary, middle, and high school level in the Caribbean and the United States, and has taught a variety of classes including P.E., Art, music, science, career education, computer applications, religion, and even served as a Campus Chaplain.
Pastor Thomas earned an undergraduate degree in Biology, and two graduate degrees in Music and Educational Leadership. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Ministry and desires to also earn a Doctor of Ministry degree.
Pastor Thomas is happily married to the former Catherine Taylor from Pine Forge, PA. She is an adjunct chemistry professor, home-school teacher, and financial consultant. They both have been blessed with a son, Samuel. Their ultimate desire in this season of pastoral ministry is to inspire and influence others to have an authentic, Spirit-led relationship with God, as they fulfill their purpose here on earth and prepare for Heaven.